XIII International conference
«Topical issues of certification of personal protective equipment (PPE) on compliance to requirements of technical regulation of the Customs union «About safety of PPE» and to the European norms»
The conference to be held on September 11, 2014 in the Congress center of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Ilyinka str., 6.) and to be organized by the self-regulating Association of designers, manufacturers and suppliers of PPE (ASIZ) with support of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.
The purpose of the conference – to discuss with participation of responsible representatives of supranational bodies on technical regulation, national authorities on work of the countries of the Customs union, representatives of appropriate authorities of the European countries, federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation the most important problems of carrying out certification of PPE within the Customs union and the European legislation.
It is planned that representatives of the European economic commission, national authorities on work of Republic of Belarus and republic of Kazakhstan, Mintruda Rossii, Rospotrebnadzora, Rostruda, Rosakcreditatsii, Rosstandarta, TC 320, notified bodies on certification of PPE, laboratories (centers) for certification of PPE, manufacturers and suppliers of PPE, consumers of PPE and of mass media will participate in the conference.
For representatives of consumers of PPE the participation in the event will be free of charge.
We invite you and/or your representatives to take part in conference.
Brief information about main lines and results of activities of «Association of designers, manufacturers and suppliers of personal protective equipment» (Association PPE).
Association PPE was founded at the 14th of November 2001 at the conference proceeded in the framework of the 5th International specialized exhibition «Security and protection of labour v 2001» in Moscow.
The certificate of the state registration of the Association PPE was issued On the 11th of February 2002.
The main goals of the Association PPE are as follows:
participation in drawing up and examination of bills, standard acts and documents on social policy, enterprising in the sphere of creation, production and marketing of means of individual protection, introduction of new offers to the legislative and executive authorities;
participation in work of expert councils, committees and other formations on the State Duma, Commonwealth Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, federal profile ministers and departments;
assistance in realising of the state policy in the sphere of supplying of personal protective equipment to the workers engaged in activities with detrimental and dangerous conditions;
determination, introduction and protection of common interests of members of the Association;
cooperation with the authorities of the state administration, public organisations and associations, Chamber of commerce and industry of the Russian Federation on the matters of protection of national commodity producers;
assistance in developing and improvement of productive and business activities of the members of the Association;
organisation of the system of information support of the members of the Association;
coordination of the activity of the members of the Association realising designing, production and marketing of personal protective equipment;
organizational, scientific-and-technological and legal assistance of the members of the Association;
implementation of profitable cooperation of the members of the Association in solving of questions of raw staff and material supplying for designing and production of personal protective equipment;
holding of regional exhibitions, seminars, consultations on the questions of protection of labour of workers;
creation of data bases of the main lines of the activity of the Association.
The members of the Association PPE are enterprises-producers of personal protective equipment, trade and commercial organisations, regional centres of labour protection, industrial institutes, representatives of big, medium and small business.
As for 10.09.05. the members of the Association are 85 enterprises from 33 regions of the Russian Federation..
The members of the Association design, produce and supply means of individual and collective protection for workers of different branches of industry and fields of activities (for workers of building companies, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, oil and gas industry, transport, medicine, food industry, service-producing industry, for collaborators of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Communications of RF, Ministry of Defence of RF, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc).
To achieve the main goals of the Association there was elected board of the Association consisting of 15 people including heads of leading enterprises of the industry, trade and commercial organisations, industrial institutes, representatives of the Ministry of Labour, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Federation of Independent Unions of Russia. President of the Association, three Vice-presidents and Director General is elected.
There are 9 committees in the Association which work in different lines of activity:
committee on normative and legal activity and matters of cooperation with the state structures;
committee on development and improvement of designing, production and supplying of personal protective equipment;
financial and economic activity committee;
international activity committee;
exhibiting activity committee;
informational-analytical activity committee;
regional activity committee;
science, standardization and certification committee;
committee on cooperation with public organizations.
Association PPE is the member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and is the member of the European Safety Federation.